1 Whitford Cres, Nangwarry SA 5277

Respect , Perseverance and Opportunities for Success

Other Info

Communication and Newsletters

The Gardens Gazette is the main vehicle for communicating between school and home. It is published fortnightly and is sent home on a Friday. Where possible, other notices are sent home with the Gardens Gazette. Class teachers maintain communication with parents and caregivers in a variety of other ways.

Lost Property

All clothing and personal items should be clearly named so that it can be returned to owners. Lost property is stored inside the back door of the Administration building. Parents are welcome to check it at any time. Unclaimed clothing is disposed of at the end of each term.

School Card

Assistance towards the payment of Materials and Services charge is available to those with a Health Care Card or Sole Parent Pension from Centrelink. This letter needs to be presented to the school for processing.

Parents must reapply each year for the School Card assistance.


Traffic Monitors

Police officers train Year 6 and 7 students annually as school crossing monitors on both Marlborough Street and Mitton Avenue. Please adhere to directions given by monitors. Infringements are reported directly to the police. The 25km speed limit applies between school signs as indicated.